Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Hunger Games.

Book Review.
Collins Suzanne.  The Hunger Games.   Scholastic Inc. 2008.
Comment.  Henry.
The reading of novels is a relatively recent addition to my reading ‘hobby’.  Friends have loaned me their copies.  This novel was recommended and I got a copy from the library after waiting several months for my request.  So it is a very popular book.  I have heard comments about the movie version.
The reading of this novel was endurance for me and upset me more than I would normally be prepared to admit.  I abhor violence.  Commercials for horror movies are muted immediately.  To have violence as a major theme is bad enough but to have children at the centre of that violence and have the viewing of that violence mandatory for the general population is a totally unacceptable plot for me.  This is taking the immorality of the Roman arena slaughterhouse to an insane level.  My guess is that the movie is an animation.  (I don’t need to know.)  That raises my level of concern.  Children are being conditioned (brainwashed) to violence through video games and that should be a concern for parents and grandparents.  Killing should never become a spectator sport no matter what level of communication.    
So there you have it!  It is very unlikely that I will read the other books of the series.  Now if there is someone out there that is exercised about helping me with my “prejudice” I welcome your responses.

1 comment:

  1. These books definitely disturbed me as well and I had trouble getting through them. However, I heard a reviewer comment on how these books were intended to address the reality of a child's exposure to war and violence, and I found that in this light - although still disturbing - I could understand why she portrayed these events in such graphic detail. It is horrific, but not unrealistic when compared to what many children worldwide are actually forced to experience.
