Book Review.
Barrie, Sandford. M.D. Legacy, the
Giving of Life’s Greatest Treasures. Loving, learning, laboring, laughing,
lamenting, linking, living, leading, and learning. ** (The ingredients of
Legacy.) Regan Books. 1999.
B.G. -
conducts a private practice (psychiatry) and is a consultant to numerous
business organizations.
What a fine
resource of practical wisdom about legacy from a professional counsellor who
has drawn from his experiences and has
shared some wonderful stories from real life to help us get a balanced
prospective about legacy. I enjoyed my
read of this book and received encouragement as I reflected on my own ‘legacy’. I shall make sure my ‘inheritors’ hear about
this one.
quotes from the Prologue and Introduction:
“We are all touched by the ocean, (of knowledge) yet we all remain on
the shore.” “What I know remains far
greater than what I don’t know.” “How he
dies and how much he has gained is not the measure of a man but how he lived and
how much he gave.” “Eight themes play
themselves over and over again in the music of people’s lives.” **
opens us to lasting relationships. It
allows us to trust and care and share.” (36)
Giving it away is a life-time job.
Learning is
much more than right answers and good grades.
“Wisdom (the result of learning) transcends disciplinary boundaries.”
(48) It is discovered. “It’s what we learn, after we know it all
that really counts.” (68)
In an ever
changing world we must understand that rewarding work will involve risk. “Above all we need to bear in mind that work
remains at the center of a spiritual commodity.” (83)
“Laughing and
lamenting restore our souls as we move through life.” (91) Good relationships are all about linkage at
significant levels. “A life lived well
is a life of risk (while) understanding the laws of opportunity and
probability.” (143)
Leading is
the ability to connect ideas to people, to inspire people, and then move these
inspired people in the right direction. “There
is no crisis of leadership in this country- there is a crisis in the way we
think of leadership.” (157) “A
leadership seminar does not make a leader.” (159)
We all
experience loss (leaving) but those experiences are very personal (unique). We are survivors by nature. Losing is one of the risks of loving. “With every good-bye you learn.” (198)
“Legacy is –a
personal audit we construct around our own individual experiences as we
exercise the right ‘elements’.” ** (203)
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