Saturday, December 15, 2012

Final Gifts

Book Review.

Callanan, Maggie.  Kelly Patricia.  Final Gifts.  Understanding the special awareness, needs, and communications of the dying.  Poseidon Press, 1992

M.C. and P.K. - Both ladies have had extensive experience as hospice care givers.

Comment.  Henry.

In this resource the authors (hospice nurses) share from their extensive experiences with dying people gifts of insights and understanding that are significant in making dying a special experience for all concerned.  The bulk of the book consists of stories about how dying people dealt with their end of life.  I think this book is a very helpful for anyone dealing with the anticipation of death.  “Irrespective of belief, age, or diagnosis of the dying person, ‘Final Gifts’ conveys the awe and profundity of the moments surrounding death that we all feel.”  Madalon Amenta.

“These messages (of the book) fall into two categories: attempts to describe what someone is experiencing while dying and requests for something that a person needs for a peaceful death.” (14)  The stories related in the book come from individuals who have been recipients of hospice care. They confirm the validity of the expression ‘putting you house in order’ when it comes to end of life priorities.

The reactions to death are consistent with personal characteristics.   There will be “shock, disbelief, fear, anger, sadness, - or as often occurs, a continuously shifting blend of these and other strong emotions.” (31)  

The end of life experiences are sometimes described as some form of preparing to go on a trip.  Often this involves others, those who have gone before.  They become aware of an actual place to which they are going.  Sometimes they even know when they will leave. 

Often specific needs are expressed that are important for a peaceful death.  It will require sensitivity on the part of the care-givers to know what is requested.  There may be the need for reconciliation, getting permission to leave, etc.  Requests can be nonverbal. Dreams become symbolic.  Unmet needs may delay the timing of death. 

Some very practical issues are suggested for those who care for the dying.   “Pay close attention to everything the dying person is saying.  Remember that there may be important messages in any communication, however garbled or vague.”  Don’t be too quick to label these messages as confusion.  “Accept and validate what the dying person tells you.” (226)

“Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is only a horizon, and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.”  Rossiter Worthington Raymond.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Where God Was Born

Book Review.

Feiler, Bruce.  Where God Was Born.  A Journey by Land to the Roots of Religion.  Harper-Collins Publishers.  2005

B.F.-a New York journalist.  The writer/presenter of the television miniseries Walking the Bible. 

Comment.  Henry.

The reading of this book has given me a better understanding/appreciation of Judaism.  There is much historical information about Christianity and the other two faiths that claim Abraham as the progenitor.  The circumstances during which the “research” was done provide the excitement that is usually found in novels.  My impression of Bruce was that he came across as a devout Jew with a strong support for the Bible, especially the Torah.  A college of his referred to him as a Reform Jew and exhorted him to become an Orthodox Jew.  The book “combines the adventure of a wartime chronicle, the excitement of an archaeological detective story, and the insight of personal spiritual exploration.” (from fly-leaf).

Bruce visits Israel, Iraq, and Iran to explore the sites “Where God Was Born.”  His findings in most cases come as a result of local authorities; rabbis, museum curators, military and political authorities, etc.  The spiritual impact that his research has on him gives validity to the conclusions he arrives at.  He is a changed man because of his journeys. 

In his travels Bruce examines the question: Is religion tearing us apart… or can it bring us together?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Legacy, The Giving Of Life's Greatest Treasures.

Book Review.

Greiff, Barrie, Sandford. M.D.  Legacy, the Giving of Life’s Greatest Treasures.   Loving, learning, laboring, laughing, lamenting, linking, living, leading, and learning. ** (The ingredients of Legacy.)  Regan Books. 1999.

B.G. - conducts a private practice (psychiatry) and is a consultant to numerous business organizations.


What a fine resource of practical wisdom about legacy from a professional counsellor who has drawn from his experiences and  has shared some wonderful stories from real life to help us get a balanced prospective about legacy.  I enjoyed my read of this book and received encouragement as I reflected on my own ‘legacy’.  I shall make sure my ‘inheritors’ hear about this one.

Noteworthy quotes from the Prologue and Introduction:  “We are all touched by the ocean, (of knowledge) yet we all remain on the shore.”  “What I know remains far greater than what I don’t know.”  “How he dies and how much he has gained is not the measure of a man but how he lived and how much he gave.”  “Eight themes play themselves over and over again in the music of people’s lives.” **  

“Self-love opens us to lasting relationships.  It allows us to trust and care and share.” (36)  Giving it away is a life-time job. 

Learning is much more than right answers and good grades.  “Wisdom (the result of learning) transcends disciplinary boundaries.” (48)  It is discovered.  “It’s what we learn, after we know it all that really counts.” (68)

In an ever changing world we must understand that rewarding work will involve risk.  “Above all we need to bear in mind that work remains at the center of a spiritual commodity.” (83)

“Laughing and lamenting restore our souls as we move through life.” (91)  Good relationships are all about linkage at significant levels.  “A life lived well is a life of risk (while) understanding the laws of opportunity and probability.” (143)

Leading is the ability to connect ideas to people, to inspire people, and then move these inspired people in the right direction.  “There is no crisis of leadership in this country- there is a crisis in the way we think of leadership.” (157)  “A leadership seminar does not make a leader.” (159)

We all experience loss (leaving) but those experiences are very personal (unique).  We are survivors by nature.  Losing is one of the risks of loving.  “With every good-bye you learn.” (198)

“Legacy is –a personal audit we construct around our own individual experiences as we exercise the right ‘elements’.” ** (203) 


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Who Is This Man?

Book Review.

Ortberg, John.  Who Is This Man?  The unpredictable impact of the inescapable Jesus.  Zondervan, 2012.  Forward by Condoleezza Rice.

Comment.  Henry.

The list of endorsements is quite impressive.  Condoleezza make this assessment.  “The real power of this book is in its exploration of the paradox of our faith: the acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ is not a pathway to an easy life but a call to do the hard things if we are to live in the image of our Lord.”  John has done some very thorough research to support his presentation.  Good stuff!

John begins with an intense overview of the historical influence of Jesus during the last two millenniums.  None other has had a world influence that comes close to the influence that Jesus had. 

Jesus “entered the world with no dignity.” (21)  Herod was an example of Roman dignity.  Jesus was responsible for the complete collapse of that kind of dignity.  His criteria for dignity was, ‘become like a child’. 

Jesus began “a revolt in humanity” (33) when he explained what it meant for man/woman to be made in the image of God.  John tackles the delicate topic of the identity of woman.  In the account of Jesus’ interaction with Mary and Martha “Jesus was inviting women to be His disciples”. (54)

According to the Greco-Roman standards of greatness, Jesus certainly didn’t qualify for greatness.  He modeled humility and servant hood.  His command to ‘love your enemies’ was very counter cultural.  It still is. 

The disciple John gives a clear perspective of the kingdom of God as taught by Christ and compares it to the kingdom of this world, i.e. Caesar’s.

 The good life is taught in the Sermon on the Mount.  The good person is modeled by Jesus.  “The Person who changed marriage in the Western world more than anyone else was Himself never married.” (149)  His life has had a huge impact on the arts. 

“Who is this man?”  Heaven and earth intersect in Him.  “Humanity and divinity somehow intersect in this one man.” (200)  “All roads meet; all threads are woven together in the tapestry of this life.” (201) 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Letters to Myself on Dying.

Book Review.

Vos Myrth.  Letters to Myself on Dying.  A journal of hope, pain, & courage.  Baker Books 1999.

Comment. Henry.

What attracted me to this title on the library shelf was my previous read of “What Dying People Want” by David Kuhl.  What Myrth shares focuses more on what she, a dying person experienced but her ‘wants’ are not difficult to understand.  Not surprisingly her experience is in so many ways a spiritual, psychological, and emotional roller coaster.  She is an evangelical Christian.  She has been a marriage and family psychotherapist in practice for nearly twenty years. Her husband is a pastor.  They live in Barrie, Ontario.

Myrth was diagnosed with cancer in 1982, 1990, and 1996.  The third diagnosis revealed terminal lung cancer.  She decided to journal her journey.  This book is the result of that journey.  It spans a time period from April 22, 1998 till April 22, 1999.  There are Scriptures included in each entry which relate to the issues that are being dealt with.  The months become ‘chapter divisions’.

The information about the discovery of the cancer as a result of a cat-scan came through a telephone call from Myrth’s doctor.  She and her husband processed the information on their own and then gradually began to share their tragedy with an expanding circle of family and friends.  

Very early on in her experience Myrth shares about her struggles of making a practical application of her faith.  It is really a struggle (conflict) between heart and head, faith and reality, etc.  The material for her ‘letters’ comes from intense studies of Scripture as she seeks for answers to her questions.  In all this she is receiving huge support from her husband, family, and friends. 

There isn’t any area of her life that is not impacted by this journey of terminal cancer.  There seems to be an amazing ‘yo-yo’ element in her experience which adds ongoing stress.  At one point test results show evidence of the disappearance of tumors thanks to treatments.  However in short order new areas of infection appear and so it goes.  The mountains and valleys of spiritual victory continue.  The process of deterioration continues with its corresponding debilitation and agony.  The journaling comes to an end exactly one year after it was begun.  The story is obviously not over and there are no ‘follow-up’ comments about the actual end of Myrth’s life.  And so the book becomes a source of focus on an important ‘chapter’ of dealing with dying. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Being Catholic Now

Book Review. 

Kennedy,  Kerry.  Being Catholic Now.  Prominent Americans talk about change in the Church and the quest for meaning.  Crown Publishing.  2008

Kerry-  Daughter of Robert Kennedy.

Comment.  Henry.

My first response after reading this book was to reflect on my own change of understanding and opinion of the Catholic Church.  Being raised as a fundamentalist there was not much charity in the spiritual status of the Catholic Church.  It was portrayed as being unbiblical in its doctrine and practice.  There is still some misunderstanding and/or lack of understanding for me.  I have a better, more charitable attitude about ecumenicalism.  When I hear my pastor son talk about his Catholic friend, an ordained pastor  who is as evangelical as can be I realize there have been huge changes in Catholicism and Protestantism.

For the contents of this book Kerry has interviewed 38 individuals who are have been influenced by Catholicism.  They range from very strong supporters (clergy) to some who have actually left the Catholic Church for various reasons.  In her ‘Preface’ Kerry speaks at length about her own personal experience.  I found this the most engaging and informative section of the book. 

Kerry has been very forthright and transparent in her presentation of positives and negatives of the Church.  The Church has a great track record as an agency of social justice and providing for the needy, world-wide.  Probably the most negative issue for the Church has been the accusations and substantiation of abuse by some of the clergy. 

The strength of the Church is its tradition.  “Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.” The training of children in the doctrine and practice of Catholicism is a strong foundation of this tradition.   It is in this area where there has also been a serious vulnerability. 

To me this was a very informative read.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Red Letter Revolution

Book Review.

Claiborne, Shane.  Campolo, Tony.  Red Letter Revolution.  What if Jesus really meant what He said?  Thomas Nelson.

Comment.  Henry.

In recent history we have been introduced to religious designations such as ‘fundamentalists’ and ‘evangelicals’.  Shane and Tony are suggesting a new designation for those who consider the words of Christ in the New Testament as exclusively important.  They should go by the name “Red Letter Christians”.  This book consists of dialogues that Tony and Shane have on specific contemporary topics and how they feel Christ may have and did express Himself.  I found this a thought-provoking read.

The historical significance of fundamentalism and evangelicalism are discussed.  There is a great need for the church to return to the focus on community that characterized the early church.  In spite of the imperfections of the local church, as Christians we do not have the option of abandoning it.  We do well to review the contributions of the Saints.  The ‘dialogues’ on Islam and economics contain material for much thought.

The text that is used to discuss family is Mark 3: 31-35.  To Christ, family went way beyond biological family.  To be pro-life regarding abortion and euthanasia but supportive of the death penalty and war is an inconsistent position for a Christian.  Environmentalism is seen as a pro-life issue.  To differentiate gifting (including leadership) between men and women is unbiblical.  Our culture’s image of women is totally wrong.  “Racism- a system of advantage based on race- is wrong.” (120)   There needs to be a demonstration of love when sexual orientation is being discussed.  Hating the sin and loving the sinner seems to leave the discussion without resolution.  A case is made, with Scriptural support (of course) for civil disobedience.  Giving, in North American churches, is disproportionate because of the huge cost of maintaining the institution. 

America is showing strong signs of being a modern Babylon.  Politics must be practiced with compassion not just economics.  A distinction is made between “non-violent resistance to evil and pacifism”. (193)  There is a cost to peace-making.  Some serious objections are raised about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with reference to Israel’s policies and how they impact Palestinian citizens, especially some Christians.  The exhortation for unity implies a need for serious reconciliation between groups within the church that are ‘worlds apart’.  Too much of what has been done in the name of missions has in fact focused on “dis-empowering” (242) those to whom the gospel has been preached.  There is not enough emphasis on indigenous leadership and culture.  The resurrected life is really life in a new earth with a new heaven.  It is hoped that the “Red Letter Christian movement will continue to be a positive irritant in the church”. (258)     

Sunday, October 21, 2012

What Dying People Want.

Book Review.

Kuhl, David.  M.D.  What Dying People Want.  Practical wisdom for the end of life.  Public Affairs.  2002.

D.K.- Ai the time writing (2002) David had had a career in palliative care for fifteen years.  He has developed a palliative care program for people with terminal cancer and AIDS at St. Paul Hospital in Vancouver.  He lives in Vancouver.

Comment. Henry.

Here is a resource that will be helpful for health providers who deal with those who have terminal illnesses and for those who have relationships with people who are terminally ill.  David approaches the topic of “dying people” with compassion and genuine care.  This book is the result of an in-depth series of interviews by a physician who specializes in palliative care.

This book seeks to answer the question, “What is the lived experience of knowing you have a terminal illness?” (Intro.)  Listening to people who are dying provided answers to that question.  “People who are dying are still living.” (Intro.)

The revelation of the diagnosis of a terminal disease usually comes with the experience of extreme emotions.  A response of ambivalence is normal.  Dying produces an anxiety that is “perhaps the anxiety at the core of all anxieties”. (18)  When the dread can be translated to fear “it can be met with courage”. (21)  The option of suicide focuses more on killing the pain than killing yourself.  An interesting exercise is suggested to “get a sense of chronis and kairos”. (29) 

 “To speak to anyone about terminal illness without adding to their suffering is an art that requires communication skills and self-knowledge”. (51)   Skilful communication is difficult and must include compassion.  There must be an effort made to avoid “iatrogenic suffering” (55) for the patient.

Pain management is an important factor for patients with a terminal illness.  “Through touch- both touching and being touched- a healing process begins.”  Touching is a very strong non-verbal message.  A “life review” (137) is common in the experience of dying. This process is made more difficult by unresolved issues.  Emotions will be ‘all over the map’.  “Speaking the truth” (166) is very important and essential in experiencing forgiveness as part of a relevant life review. Thirteen specific steps are presented on how to break this silence and facilitate speaking the truth.

The “longing to belong” (199) is a part of every phase of life but it is heightened in the presence of a terminal illness.  “Self-realization” (223) and the answer to the question “Who am I?” (223) need to be faced with genuine reality and honesty. 

The end of life experience (death) is describes as “transcendence- a human spirit stripped to the literal substance of itself before God”. (254)  Alcoholics Anonymous has coined the slogan, “Let go and let God”.  It is a concept of spirituality, a relationship with God, “or some higher power”. (261)  It is in this experience that resolution is experienced and it is personal.

David includes a very practical ‘appendix’ (293) in which he explains how a doctor might talk to patients that are terminally ill. 


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Divine Conquest

Book Review.

Tozer, A.W.  The Divine Conquest.  Christian Publications.  1950

Comment.  Henry.

The reading of older ‘classics’ helps with maintaining balance in our ‘world view’.  I felt that way about this book, stimulating and thought-provoking.  Tozer writes with great confidence and authority.  His ‘colors of interpretation’ are pretty much black and white.  He does not mince words. His views on liberalism and fundamentalism and some other ‘isms’ are very clear.

“The worst thing a book can do for a Christian is to leave him with the impression that he has received from it anything really good; the best it can do is point the way to the God he is seeking.” Preface.

To be able to know the God of “eternal continuum” (9) is a wonderful truth.  There is a huge difference between knowing the Word intellectually and knowing it in power.  The transition from pleasing man to pleasing God requires a “supernatural act”. (41)  The old life is replaced by the new life.

Tozer maintains an interesting position with reference to the sovereignty of God and the free will of man.  Man can choose to say ‘no’ to God’s offer of eternal life but it God (not man) who chooses to say yes to those who are predestined to be drawn. 

The life of joy and victory is by way of the cross.  Eternal life is preceded by death, victory by defeat.  Before Jacob could enter into the relationship with God that resulted in him becoming the patriarch he was he was defeated by the Lord in a way that left him with a permanent physical reminder. 

“The doctrine of the Holy Spirit is buried dynamite.” (66)  “God is never anywhere present in one person without the other two.” (73)   The comprehension of spiritual truth does not happen without the illumination by the Holy Spirit.  The intellect reveals the shell only of truth.  The Spirit reveals the kernel within the shell. 

Tozer unpacks the meaning of Acts 1:8, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.”  Although no human language can adequately describe who God is he is often represented in Scripture by the idea of fire, e.g. the iron is in the fire and the fire is in the iron and so they become one even though they remain different. At Pentecost he appeared as a flame.  This flame is “moral, spiritual, intellectual, and volitional”. (99-102) 

The contrast between the flesh and the Spirit is set forth very strongly and the pitfalls of compromise are clearly explained as totally unacceptable, e.g. tolerance.  “Be filled with the Spirit.” Eph.5:18  This is both a command and a promise.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Missional Spirituality

Book Review.

Helland, Roger.  Hjalmarson, Leonard.  Missional Spirituality.  Embodying God’s love from the inside out.  IVP Books, 2011.

R.H.-district executive coach of the Baptist General Conference in Alberta.                    L.H.-lead pastor at Aylmer Evangelical Mennonite Mission Church, Aylmer, Ont.

Comment.  Henry.

Roger and Len have provided us with an excellent resource that is relevant to the culture of the day when it comes to really being salt and light in an environment that is hostile to the traditional, evangelical approach to evangelism.  They have been thorough in substantiating their presentation with valid ‘research’.  I see this resource as an effective ‘text’ for some valuable interaction in a study group.

Right off, we are introduced to a word that is key in understanding the environment in which missional spirituality is applied: “liminality- a threshold, an in-between place of ambiguity and uncertainty, disorientation and transition.” (14)   Both Roger and Len went through a period of personal ‘liminality’ that is reflected in their materials that they are presenting.  To be ill-prepared for the future is to invite some form of annihilation, e.g. Sir John Franklin’s ill-fated search for the Northwest Passage.  “Missional spirituality- feeds mission.” (27)  Living by the Book can make the Bible a fixed document rather than the living Word of God.  

“An excarnational, knowledge-based approach to spiritual formation” (40) is a major challenge for missional spirituality.  There is often a high level of consumerism and entitlement evident in church culture that is destructive. 

The Trinity, the incarnation, the priesthood of believers and “shema” spirituality are the theological foundation of spiritual missional spirituality. 

“Classic Pietism” (78) as observed in the Moravians and Christian and Missionary Alliance is presented as “missional spirituality in action.

Loving God with all our heart and soul will not happen without the practice of obedience and humility.  It is further ‘enhanced’ by the practice of “missio and prayer”. (112)  Worship is an expression of loving God.  It is public with private being an extension of the public.  “We can venture into a wonder-filled world of worship through the practice of enchantment.” (124)

“To love God with all your mind is a willed choice.  He must occupy your thoughts.” (141)  Theological reflection, an exercise of the mind, is a practice of loving God.  It helps us to make a spiritual connection with our culture, art, music, literature, etc.  “Theological imagination” (148) can be helpful in understanding spiritual (biblical) truth.  The practice of gratitude is a practical application of loving God with our entire mind.  We use our talents and our time in the practice of loving God with all our strength.

Loving our neighbor (part two of shema) calls for the practice of “presence” (181), “refuge” (183), and “hospitality” (185).  “Exegeting culture” (198) must be part of our approach to being an effective missionary.

Appendix 1 provides a practical help for “equipping for a missional spirituality in the church and academy”. (214)  Appendix describes a model church that is “missional spirituality in action”. (229)  The church is Gateway Community Church in Hinton, Alberta. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Divine Hunger

Book Review

Emberly, Peter C.  Divine Hunger.  Canadians on spiritual walkabout.  Harper Collins Pub.  2002.

P.E.- professor of political science and philosophy at Carlton University.

Comment. Henry.

Peter has focused on the ‘boomer generation’ of Canadians and done an evaluation of their spiritual interests based on 350 interviews and many exposures to experiences related to specific spiritual interest groups.  Based on this research he maintains that there is indeed a “Divine Hunger” demonstrated by the boomer generation.  This resource would be relevant for leaders of any religious (spiritual) groups.  Peter includes many different religious ‘persuasions’ in his research.  The validity of his conclusions must be tempered by the extent of his research (only 350 interviews).  

Note:  A good compendium to this resource would be a more recent book (E-book) by Reginald Bibby, “A New Day”, Project Books .com.  2012.

Peter begins with a comparison of faith and modernity as he seeks to answer the question, “Why is there a renewed interest in the sacred?” (15)  He focuses on baby boomers.  They “may be leading the rush for overcoming modernity”. (16)

There are elements of traditionalism that some boomers are attracted to.  Specifically, Peter gives ‘Promise Keepers, Billy Graham crusade, and Airport Vineyard’ as examples.  From this group he goes on to First Nation spirituality, Mormonism, traditional Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy and their attractions for boomers.  “Traditionalism is guilty of taking us nowhere.” (95)  Peter gets into all the ‘faiths’ that he is aware of in Canada and explains how they are attracting boomers. 

Peter gets into something he calls “Fusion Faith”.  “Fusion faith is a medley of traditions, forms of worship, devotional practices, spiritual experiences, and religious beliefs.  It takes the best from each tradition and blends all these prime ingredients into a new concoction.” (195)  (Sounds like New Age.)  Almost as an afterthought or perhaps his own preference, Peter spends some time talking about the attraction of Eastern religion.

By way of conclusions, Peter is optimistic about “divine hunger” in Canadian baby boomers and their new experiences.  They give pause to a ringing endorsement of modernity.  “The spiritual searches of baby boomers restore an insight previously submerged under modernity’s indefatigable optimism”.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I Am A Follwer.

Book Review.
Sweet, Leonard.  I Am A Follower.  The way, truth, and life of following Jesus.  Thomas Nelson.  2012.
Comment.  Henry.
As so often is the case, when a writer focuses in on a particular topic it comes at a ‘cost’ of other comparative topics.  Sweet focuses on ‘followership’, a word that he seems to have invented.  The leadership that he sees in churches and church organizations is in his opinion not biblical and/or is not demonstrated in Christ’s model of leadership.  There are some very strong endorsements of this book by strong, well recognized “leaders” of the evangelical community.  When Sweet declares that we are first and foremost followers and leadership must happen within that mindset, his message is clear and forceful.
Following Jesus is portrayed as a dance where we imitate Jesus and his ‘moves’.  “Following is the most underrated form of leadership in existence.” (14)  Sweet makes followership the thesis of this presentation.  “Followership is an identity.” (34)  Leadership within a followership culture is totally different from leadership within a leadership culture.  Jesus chose us.  That choice needs to be kept in perspective when we wax eloquent about our God-given ‘freedom of choice’. 
Discovering what it means to follow Jesus begins with an in depth look at what Jesus meant when he declared; “I am the way, the truth, and the life”.   The ‘way’ implies a pilgrimage alongside Jesus.  It is characterized by a discipleship that lasts a lifetime.  “Disciples of Christ can only be made –life on life, follower following follower.” (84)  A follower bears fruit, primarily the fruit of love in the form of “love casting”. (109) 
“Jesus is Truth” (142) and “Truth is the only way to life”. (149)  Our ‘way’ leads to the cross where we count the cost.  “We bless others naturally through our strengths.  But we bless others supernaturally through our weaknesses.” (162)  Categories e.g. clergy cf lay, that place some followers above other followers violate the unity of the body of Christ.
“Incarnational living (Followership) is a relational art.” (193)  The life of a follower should demonstrate a “spirit of trust” (228) more than a life of strategic planning.  The Spirit can be trusted at all times.  Joy should be the overwhelming mark of a Christ follower who is living incarnationally.  Joy to the world!  “In Christ, you become the music.” (259)   

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Mentor Leader.

Book Review.
Dungy, Tony.  Whitake, Nathan.  The Mentor Leader.  Secrets to building people and team that win consistently.  Tyndale Publishing.  2010.
T.D.- “has always learned from others on his path to success as a son, a football player, a winning coach, and an Emmy-nominated studio analyst.”
“Leadership is not an innate, mystical gift; rather, it is a learned ability to influence the attitudes and behavior of others.”  (intro)
“Relationships are ultimately what matters- our relationships with God and with other people.” (5)  “Doing the right thing at the right time in the right way” (16) requires a foundation of a strong faith.  “If you do it right, as a mentor leader, you may make it impossible for other people to give you credit.” (27)
It is important for leaders (mentors) to have visions and goals but they must be kept in perspective with the journey towards those goals.  Vision, mission and values become key factors in a successful organization.  A “service-directed leadership” (39) enhances these factors. 
The path to maturity involves “self-examination”.  (46)  “Character is the foundation on which all leadership is built.” (69)  Attributes of successful leaders are disgust.  There is no insignificant opportunity for mentoring.  Actions must always be consistent with words; the message.  “The culture you create permeates everything you touch.” (142)
There are seven “steps of progression” (166) that will cause a team to reach its potential; “Engage, educate, equip, encourage, empower, energize, and elevate.” (166-187)
“The mentor leader adds value to the lives of others.” (193)  “The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” Nelson Henderson.