Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Dwight Perry- General Editor. Professor of Pastoral Studies, Moody.
(c) 2002 Moody Press Chicago pp.360 price 27.95

PART ONE. Unity Between Races in the Church.
Ch. 1. Developing a Biblical Theology of Racial Reconciliation. Dwight Perry
Societal racism is defined and acknowledged. Racism is more than prejudice. Racism needs to be addressed "on a systemic level". p.35. The author delineates a Philosophy of Racial Reconciliation. Three levels of racism are identified. Personal responsibility. i.e. personal repentance, needs to take place if racism is to be addressed successfully. Institutional racism must be viewed personally, theologically, and structurally. note; Each chapter ends with "Discussion starter questions."
Ch. 2. Fade To White. Vincent Bacote. Assistant professor of theology. Wheaton.
The question being discussed in this essay is- How white is evangelical theology? Information is drawn from the book Divided by Faith by Emerson and Smith when it comes to "racial division in evangelicalism". p.51. Individualism as it exists in the American church has impacted evangelical theology. The doctrine of sin needs to go beyond individual sin to include corporate, social/structural sin. :Evangelical theology must become consciously aware of its contextual nature." p. 59
Ch. 3. The "Right" Way To Praise God. Clarence Skaler- Involved at Focus On The Family. A co-pastor, teaches at Denver Institute for Urban Studies.
Cultural differences in worship are discussed. Black worship patterns are discussed in some detail. A story is told of the sad result of cultural insensitivity. Some reasons are suggested for the differences between black and white ‘styles’ of worship and doing church. Those practices must not violate biblical principles.
Ch.4 One White Man’s Personal Journey. Robert M. Boyd. Director of Church and Pastoral Vitality for the Minnesota Baptist Conference.
The author’s speech handicap and immersion in a foreign culture prepared him for his career as a church leader to deal with racism. He deals with obstacles minority groups face in becoming accepted and how they come to treat those of the majority.
Ch,5. Getting To Know Each Other. Bill McCartney- founder and president of Promise Keepers.
Bill talks about a veil of racism and insensitivity that exists in ministry. Intimacy is huge in removing this veil. Out of the desire for intimacy develops empathy. Promise Keepers is committed to the goal of removing racism.
Ch. 6. The Alternative to Ethnic Focused Church Planting. Raleigh B. Washington- executive vice president of global ministries with Promise Keepers.
Church growth and development is very much associated with homogeneity. The problems and pitfalls of this approach (ethnic-focused) to church planting are discussed. The alternative to ethnic-focused church planting involves commitment, sensitivity, intentionality, sincerity, and sacrifice.
Ch. 7. Understanding Interracial Families. A.Charles Ware- president of Crossroads (formerly Baptist) Bible College.
Ethnic diversity is characterized by interracial marriages. The author looks at several scriptures that are used to defend the stand against intermarriage. The social arguments used against intermarriage are also looked at. There is no biblical basis for condemning interracial marriages.
PART TWO. Unity Between Classes in the Church.
Ch. 8 Dismantling Class Barriers. Larry Mercer- Senior V.P. of Media and Church Ministries- Moody.
Classism is a barrier in the church. Having developed this premise, the author makes suggestions how this barrier can be transcended.
Ch.9. People Just Like Me. Rod Cooper-Hansen prof. of leadership and discipleship at Gordon- Conwell Theological Seminary.
Homogeneity was never the goal of the New Testament church or it’s teaching. e.g.Acts 15;1-35. The church needs to be characterized by diversity and unity. Eph. 2:14-18 is used as a basis for breaking down walls that prevent diversity and unity. Specific implications are discussed that will result in unity.
Ch.10. The Quest For Biblical Unity. Henry Lee Allen-Associate pro. of Sociology-Wheaton.
The author addresses the challenge of mixing oral and written cultures. He ends up with giving five guidelines for mixing oral and written cultures. This is a very academic essay.
Ch. 11. The Promise and Peril of Seminary Education. David K Clark. Prof. of Theology at Bethel Theological Seminary.
"Every school--exists in a complicated relationship to its cultural surroundings." p.183. A brief historical view is given of influences on higher education. The author presents several models of leadership training. Schools need to avoid a focus that could result in de-culturing students. An effective ministry needs to consider three aspects of culture; biblical culture, your own culture, and the culture or cultures in which ministry is bring done.
Ch.12. Pursuing Faith-based Opportunities. Glen Kehrein- founder of Circle Urban Ministries.
"Evangelicals have been historically removed from the poor by political affiliation, theological interpretation, historical indifference, and mindset." p.208. In this chapter the challenge is strongly presented to minister to the poor.
PART THREE, Unity Between Genders in the Church.
Ch.13. Seeing The Invisible Prejudice. Rosalie De Rosset- prof. of literature, English and biblical message preparation. Moody.
Prejudice against women is called the invisible prejudice. Legislation doesn’t solve the problem. The church is not exempt from this problem. There needs to be a paradigm shift in the perceived role of women in ministry. It cannot be limited to children and women, etc.
Ch. 14. A Plea for Godly Partnership. Ellen Lowrie Black-educational consultant, keynote speaker.
"Issues of belonging, identity, and ministry have yet to be adequately addressed in the church." p.234. The author reviews male-female relationships in scripture. Harassment and abuse of any kind in the Christian setting is intolerable. It calls for repentance, reconciliation, and forgiveness which "releases spiritual power as bondage disappears. " Men and women need to be able to work (minister) together.
Ch. 15. Moving Past "Women Can’t Preach". Michelle Obleton- director of WINGS (Women In Godly Services).
A bit of a study is presented how role-reversal was involved in the fall of man (kind) and the contemporary impact of this problem. i.e. Eve led and Adam submitted. Because of the ‘submission’ syndrome, women are at a disadvantage when propositioned by Christian men living in sin. The majority of subscribers to Christianity are women. Women should not be deprived of using their gifts in ministry.
PART FOUR - Unity Across Other Barriers in the Church.
Ch. 16, Retired and Set Aside. Evelyn Christenson- author, speaker, teacher.
In American culture seniors are viewed more as a liability than an asset. The church is impacted by this culture. The author, who is seventy nine, goes on to explain what she feels needs to happen so that seniors are valued and feel that they can still be difference makers. The chapter closes with some specific comments on dealing with discrimination.
Ch. 17. Theology of the Wheelchair. Sandy Rios- president of Concerned Women in Washington, D.C. (a lobby organization)
The author tells her story of having a child that was severely disabled (physically). In her story she draws attention to the ways people respond to such a situation without discrimination and prejudice. "Physically broken people are always far more than their disability." p.297.
Ch.18. Those We’d Rather Forget. Brad Grammer-has a special ministry to gays and homosexuals in Chicago.
The two extremes of this sexual orientation issue are "hateful and derogatory or gentle and deceived,"p.300. Even with God there is a balance of wrath and grace regarding his dealings with mankind. The theological perspective of homosexuality is discussed and the churches’ response or lack of response to homosexuals. Homosexuals need to be reached in relationships. It takes more than counseling and support groups.
Ch.19. Kids in Constant Motion. Cynthia Perry-prof of education at Benedictine University, Illinois.
Cynthia relates her experience as a mother of a child with ADHD. It is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder. The cause is unknown. Suggestions are made to make the teaching of children with ADHD more successful.
Ch. 20 The Almost Unpardonable Sin. Craig Keener- founder of Circle Urban Ministries.
Jesus treated divorce as a justice issue. We must not punish the betrayed partner. A personal story is included to illustrate some of the challenges of those who are divorced and how to deal with them. The church needs to focus more on protecting than punishing those who experience divorce as betrayed partners.
Ch. 21. Singling Out The Unmarried. Shirley Wright Masongezi- worked as a single missionary for eleven years as a teacher in Africa.
Shirley married into a family at age fifty. This is an account of one " singles’" experience as she worked at finding her place of service in a church culture that has not done well in making singles feel fulfilled and an essential part of the church family. Singles are an important untapped resource in the church and the church needs to first reach them and allow them to be difference makers.
Comment. hd
This book is made up of a number of essays dealing with a number of sensitive topics about how discrimination and prejudice are demonstrated. It is very American. The authors are highly qualified to write on their chosen topics. The focus by most authors is on problems not solutions. The book could be valuable as to text for a general course on discrimination, etc. Reading this book was a definite learning experience for me.

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