Wednesday, June 3, 2009


TURN YOUR CHURCH INSIDE OUT: Building a Community for Others.
Walt Kallestad c 2001 Augsburg Fortress pp185 price $22.50

The contents of this book are drawn from the twenty-two year history of the Community Church Of Joy in Phoenix, Arizona. During this time the author was the senior pastor.
One of the reasons why churches are ineffective evangelistically is because of the problems caused by an insider/outsider mindset. Each group is a threat to the other. The outsiders (others) of the church could be placed in one of three different groups. There are those who are uninformed about the church. Then there are those who have become disillusioned with the church. Still others are considered socially unacceptable. "A church that celebrates others is a church with an attitude." p.24. There are many "others" in our community. It is the church’s mandate to serve others. Change is fundamental in this challenge. It requires a major outward focus from the insiders. Also basic is an attitude of respect and kindness. An effective church will celebrate others.
Note; Each chapter concludes with a section entitled "Questions to ponder, things to do ."
In a chapter entitled "Praying for Others" the story is told how prayer became a key factor in the development of Community Church Of Joy. Prayer needs to be learned and practiced as a discipline. "Everything begins and ends in prayer."p.69.
We will get to know ourselves as we become participants of a worshiping community. Worship has great potential for spiritual encounter. In too many churches worship (style) has become a bone of contention. True worship impacts people of faith and people without faith. "A congregation’s form of worship and styles of music will inevitably be linked to their understanding of their mission." p.78. Worship should be characterized by a reverence for God and for his created people. It shoud be real, relatable, relevant, relational, passionate, and rewarding. "Worship is the seedbed of personal transformation." p.82. The planning of worship should be done by a team not an individual.
"Ten commandments of communication",p.93, are discussed when it comes to proclaiming the gospel to "others". They involve such things as being aware of the world outside the church, finding out what the needs of others are, etc.
The great commission of Matt. 28:18-20 summarizes what programming for others is all about. It is both a commission and a commandment. Programs and/or projects in a church for others need to "further our missionary vocation to be a church for others, meet a real need, and produce spiritually Transformational outcomes’. p.112. Programs and projects need to be evaluated regularly. In fact there is great merit in having what the author calls "blue-sky sessions" where brainstorming is done from a clean slate, motivated by "imagining the church as it ought to be". p.121. The insider/outsider tension tends to pull toward the insiders at the expense of the outsiders.
In a church for others, the stewardship and money matters are going to be impacted by the mission of the church. The tithe is a basic form of fundraising. Good planning is basic to monetary responsibility. Resources for ministry may (should) come from "profit centres" and philanthropic sources. Planned givig needs to be taught and practiced.
A key group in a church that is focused on a ministry to others is the paid and unpaid staff. There need to be good matches between giftings and positions. There needs to be an ongoing "program" of discovering, developing, and deploying of gifts. There needs to be a strong support, especially from the leadership, for the mission of the church. This focus can be painful when people choose to leave rather than change. In order for people to be all they can be, priority must be given to spiritual disciplines and the developing of ministry gifts and skills. In a church for others the concept of team leadership has to be practiced.
When it comes to the challenge of managing change that will result in becoming a church for others good planning is key. " Good beginnings lead to good endings, although the road may be bumpy and long." p166. Good managment of cahange happens best in community where there are common commitments, beliefs, beliefs, values, and vision. Community that is really built for others will not happen without God’s love expressed. This last chapter, which deals with managing change, ends up with a discussion of eight principles for managing change in the process of building a community(church) for others.
Comment hd
There are a few wellknown churches that are strong in their vision and commitment to outreach (evangelism). Community Church Of Joy is one of these. The leadership of Walt Kallestad has been significant in the church. Principles discussed in this book can be applied to other churches regardless of their size. Like personal biographies this church biography is helpful and inspiring. Having had the opportunity to personally visit this church makes this story even more interesting. This is a good resource for church leaders.

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