Wednesday, June 3, 2009

CRACKING YOUR CONGREGATION’S CODE: Mapping Your Spiritual DNA to Create Your Future

CRACKING YOUR CONGREGATION’S CODE: Mapping Your Spiritual DNA to Create Your Future By Robert Norton © 2001 Jossey - Bass pp.208 price 35.95 hc
RS and RN Church Consultants - Church Development Systems.

Mainsteam denominations are facing serious challenges to remain effective. This is true even though the interest in spirituality is high. The need for community is great in a fluid society. For a church to experience renewal and growth it needs to know it’s DNA. Churches can change.
Part 1 Your Congregation’s Spiritual Code.
Ch. 1 Your Congregation’s Spiritual DNA. Your Unique Identity.
The genetic blueprint and spiritual heritage are a church’s DNA. Comparisons can be made between the physical body and the church body regarding health. The mission and vision of a church are impacted by accepted values of that church. The health and growth of a congregation are determied by "welcoming, nurturing, empowering, and serving". p.10. The process of discovering a church’s DNA will be both exciting and threatening. Strategic mapping is the process whereby a church intends to move from where it is to where it feels it should be, To be effective strategic mapping must be flexible.
Ch.2 Cracking Your Spiritual Code. Growing Into Who You Are.
Paul uses the analogy of the physical body to describe the church. This makes it personal. We need to consider inheritance and environment. Traditions and demographics are also important. Changes can also come through planning, e.g.redefining values, mission, and vision. These three make up your church’s DNA
Part Two Using "WelNES" Systems To Renew And Grow Your Congregation.
The four systems that are discussed are welcoming, nurturing, empowering and serving.
Ch. 3 Come Right In - Your Welcoming System
"True welcoming is the natural result of a heartfelt belief that you have something important and precious to offer." p.49. People come with a great variety of needs. They represent five different generations. It is not easy to be multigenerational. Many things in our churches make up being visitor friendly.
Ch. 4 We’re Here To Care -Your Nurturing System Nurture has to sustain the faithful and incorporate the newcomer. It is vital.
There are many things that prevent nurture. Nuture happens differently depending on your "Spiritual Type".p.91. Men and women respond differently.
Ch. 5 Yes, You Can -Your Empowering System
Giving of yourself, volunteering, "is good for the soul" p.111. The traditional hirearchical model of church government is not conducive to effective empowering. Permission giving (empowering) needs to be consistent with the values, vision, and mission of the church. Mentoring can be helpful. Ministry should be gift-based.
Ch. 6 How May We Help You? -Your Serving System. The kingdom of God is about serving. Jesus is our model. Service needs to be mission based. It is most effective in community. Groups usually take on a personal identity in service, e.g. nurture groups, task groups,etc. Training and support are essential to serving. Recognition is key for those who serve.
Part Three The Strategic Mapping Process
Ch.7. Creating Your Strategic Map To Take You Where You Want To Go
"Mapping is a journey not a destination".p.159 It is all about change. Values, vision,and mission are affected. Mapping is about strengthening the four systems. see ch. 3-6 Surveys are helpful in mapping. p.175-181 include four actual surveys. Part of a church’s DNA is it’s "Ministry Pathways". p.185 e.g. spiritual growth, service to community, education, etc. Strategic mapping clarifies identity and mission for a church. An example is given of an outline of a strategic map. p.190-191.
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Being fulfilled in what you do has a lot to do with who you are and what your gifts and skills are. This book explains how that applies to churches. Each church is unique, has it’s own DNA, and will be more effective when it functions within it’s uniqueness. The challenge of being (not doing ) church has never been greater. Here is another helpful tool for churches that are serious about impacting their communities for God.

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