Monday, June 15, 2009

The Effective Pastor; Get The Tools To Upgrade Your Ministry

White, Peter; The Effective Pastor; Get The Tools To Upgrade Your Ministry. Logos Ministries, Belfast. 1998 (2000), pp.270, price 29.95. Available at Leadership Centre, 1-800-804-077.
Peter White; pastor, Sandyford Henderson Church, Glasgow. Former principal of Glasgow Bible College.

Three ‘pitfalls’ are identified for those who are in Christian service, "1. Dealing directly in practicalities without due regard for good theology. 2. Attempting Christian leadership without living faith and trust in the Holy Spirit. 3. Theology whose only natural home is the lecture theatre." p.7.
Section 1. Before God.
Ch.1. Our Vision.
We can be busy doing what we know we should do and forget why we are doing it. A proper vision of why we do what we do brings perspective and commitment to our work (ministry). Vision inspires, moulds, gives confidence and nourishes.
Ch. 2. Our Present.
A personal relationship with Christ is basic to doing Christ’s work. The characteristics of a disciple qualified for ministry are discussed. They include a specific call from God for ministry.
Ch. 3. Our Past.
A helping personality, which is essential to being an effective Christian worker, often includes attributes that create a vulnerability for those who serve.
Ch.4. Our Walk.
God wants our friendship. That’s why He created. Our part is to pursue a life of devotion through Bible reading, prayer and practicing the presence of God. Accept and deal with the reality of spiritual warfare. An actual plan of doing a devotional life is suggested.
Section 2. Among The People.
Ch.5. Preaching the Word.
The gospel is proclaimed through preaching. "Authentic Christian sermons exegete, expound and apply."p.53. In order to be authentic preaching must be the proclaiming of the Word of God. Anointed preaching is the result of inspiration, being filled with the Spirit, illumination, enablement and dedicated listeners. The preparation and preaching of the sermon are explained
Ch.6. Public Worship.
Worship is glorifying God. Although it is for believers it has potential to attract unbelievers. Everything that happens in a service is part of worship. The preaching of the Word is considered the central part of worship. There should be a common theme in each service. A number of specific suggestions are made about worshipping and leading worship.
Ch.7. A Praying People.
Corporate prayer is described as "the new world power". p.82. There is authority in prayer and it came at a great price. Shared congregational prayer is discussed under the topics instruction, information, inspiration, intercession, investigation and involvement.
Section 3. With Individuals.
Ch. 8. Caring.
"Pastoral care comes alive and stays alive when exercised theologically." p.95. Pastoral care is done by pastors. Shepherds take care of sheep. It involves nourishing, keeping together, protecting, healing and leading.
Ch.9. Listening.
In ministry, the three key ideas for listening are discerning how things are, how things should be, and how to get there. Listening must be done with genuineness, warmth, and empathy. Body language is significant. What you hear is always treated confidentially.
Ch.10. Discipling.
This topic is discussed under the sub-topics edification, discipling and spiritual gifts. The name Richard Baxter appears quite often in this discussion.
Section 4. Development and Outreach.
Ch.11. Strategising.
There are three steps in stratigising, make a plan, implement it and evaluate it, making necessary changes which could lead to a new plan. Successful change is not easy. The ingredients of a successful meeting are presented.
Ch.12. Evangelising.
The importance of relationships with non-church people is stressed. The value of the Alpha Program is highlighted. As to methods of evangelism, church evangelism is preferred to mass evangelism.
Section 5. Organisation.
Ch. 13. Leadership.
The model of leadership used in the Church of Scotland is presented along with some other models. New Testament vocabulary is examined as it relates to leadership. Christlike leadership is described as spiritual, pastoral, biblical, menial, visionary, and sacrificial. A strong case is made for team leadership.
Ch. 14. Team Work.
The church is one body with many members, a cohesive community. Various kinds of group structures are discussed, e.g. cabinet, staff, etc. Good delegation is effective. Four stages of developing a team are explained. Those who lead teams successfully focus on "the unique individuality of the members, the coherence of the team, and the quality of the work done".p.202.
Ch.15. Time Management.
Here is a three step approach, "plan, organise and obey".p.210. We must do things right but we must also do the right things. There are many practical suggestions made on this topic.
Ch.16. Stress.
Some stress sensors are listed. Stressors may be either eliminated, reduced or managed. Resiliency is basic to dealing with stress. It can be developed.
Ch. 17. Perseverance and Reward.
This a brief summary of the place and purpose of ordained ministry and the motivation that encourages pastors to strive for the "Well Done" of Christ Himself.
Comment HD A fairly large subject is being addressed in this book. The treatment of topics reflects the culture of the Church of Scotland. The office of pastor is presented as very important in church leadership. When compared to North American books on similar topics this book gives a view that is stimulating. The pastors presented in this volume would be the kind that I think would be more common in what we would probably describe as traditional churches. e.g. the significance that is placed on pastoral visitation. etc.

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