Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Grand Weaver.

Book Review

Zacharias, Ravi. The Grand Weaver. How God shapes us through the events of our lives. Zondervan 2007

Comment. Henry
Ravi has written a book that will be very helpful for many who want to get a handle on how to keep a proper focus on the big picture as we seek to process the various experiences of our life. His real life stories help illustrate his teaching. He seeks to reinforce the truth that God is truly the weaver of the tapestry that is represented by our lives. When we co-operate and do our part in submission to his will the results are a beautiful work of the Grand Weaver.

Our identity (DNA) confirms that we are ‘originals’. Pain and despair come to all people in varying measures. We are shaped by them. They are levelers. “When you walk through the valley, the memory of the view from the mountain will sustain you.” (41) Dealing with disappointments involves our hearts and minds. We can be strengthened as we focus on Christ’s provision on the cross.

We must all “come to terms with God’s sovereign working and how we respond to his plan and calling”. (61) There is a morality that points us to God and a morality that is self-centered. Morality is not a means of salvation. Traditionalism, legalism, and superstition are forms of spirituality. Spirituality without truth “is nothing more than a confession that sheer matter alone does not answer life’s deepest hungers”. (106)

“When you work under God’s will and your will submits to that will, you become a different person before people.” (122) We are is shaped by our worship. Worship is defined by mystery, the Trinity, community and liturgy. “Destiny incorporates the sense of purpose and design when it lies in the hands of a sovereign God.” (155)

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