Monday, July 6, 2009

The Secret Things Of God.

Book Review.

Cloud, Henry. The Secret Things Of God. Unlocking the treasures reserved for you. Howard Books. 2007.

Comment. Henry
Cloud has been motivated to write this book as a response (rebuttal) to another book that has enjoyed great popularity. The book is The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Henry’s book focuses on the Judeo-Christian teachings. Rhonda’s book focuses on New Age concepts. Like his other books this book has a practical application to Christian living and is in that sense a ‘self-help’ manual. There is a personal Creator of the universe who wants to have a personal relationship with each of us whom he has personally created. To make this happen we need to know the “Secret Things Of God”.

God can be found because he wants to be found. However our search must be genuine. It will happen according to God’s terms. It doesn’t happen without some initiative (faith) by the searcher and it will probably involve another person(s) and it will certainly involve scripture.

“Trust is the key that opens the door to all secrets”, (30) of God. To refuse to trust limits us to our own resources. Effective trust is never stupidity.

Recognize the responsibility and importance of positive thinking and the consequences of being overcome by negative thinking. We control what we think. Don’t accept the slavery that removes choice. Ask for help. Be prepared to deal with the causes of negativity and negative thinking. There are times when suffering results in healing, e.g. surgery. Happiness is not dependent on circumstances.

“We can only have relationships that equal our own ability.” (95) We need to realize that our own dysfunction will impact the kind of people we are attracted to, e.g. the selfish one and the selfless one”. (105) Misery can be the result of misplaced trust. It is a tragedy when it happens to innocent people (children). When you place trust in a person(s) consider both character and behavior. To be ‘good and mad’ can be a part of our emotional immune system that can preserve a relationship.

Cloud gives his version of a purpose driven life. Purpose in our life is very much a heart thing. It is impacted by the sowing and reaping principle. God made us unique and it our responsibility to discover and function according that uniqueness (giftedness). We must find the right path and be totally committed to it.

The most important secrets have to do with God himself. He wants a personal relationship with us. He is for us: Eph. 2:10. Guilt can be a huge obstacle to our relationship with God. Our response to guilt should be one of Godly sorrow that leads to repentance, etc. We can experience peace amidst turmoil as we rest in the knowledge that God is in control. He can be trusted. Our responsibility is to keep the law(s) he has given us and that will cause our relationship with him to grow and mature. Deut. 4:40.

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