Monday, July 6, 2009

Tranformational Leadership.

Book Review.

Sneed, Berry. Edgemon, Roy. Transformational Discipleship. Your church helping people be like Jesus. LifeWay Press. Nashville. 2002.

Comment. Henry.
Here is a very readable, practical resource which addresses a very basic area of spiritual development, i.e. discipleship. Making disciples is part of Christ’s Great Commission. Becoming a disciple is a challenge for each believer no matter where they are in their spiritual journey. This book will help you with that challenge.

God’s plan for our lives is for us to abide in him and bear fruit just like a branch abides in the vine and produces fruit. Fruit bearing is enhanced through pruning. This metaphor has significant spiritual application.

Spiritual transformation begins with a new birth. It continues in a “growing relationship of love, trust, and obedience”. (27) The goal of this relationship is to glorify God by our words and actions. There are many hindrances to spiritual transformation; spiritual warfare, lack of faith, rebellion, etc.

Being (becoming) like Jesus is in fact a very huge challenge. When people get to know you (me) do they get to know the Father? There is a big difference between knowing God personally and knowing him cerebrally.

A relationship with Jesus is foundational for a believer. “It is important that God is empowering believers to make relationships work.” (56) Followership is our responsibility. Empowerment comes from Jesus.

“God uses transformed hearts to forever change others.” (73) This happens through communications in every-day experiences.

“The structure of a church must be adaptable to change.” (83) An environment of small groups can be conducive to effective change and sound discipleship.

“Every believer is a (potential) disciple with a life-long potential of growth and service.” (96) Therefore a discipleship ministry is crucial for the health of a church. Pre-evangelism and evangelism are to be included in the discipleship process. Selecting and training “discipleship champions” (105) deserves a high priority. Discipleship experiences could take the form of special programs in a church although they may not be called that.

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